What Became of Us?

Do you remember that Journalist, who always reported the news absent of any biases!

That pious Doctor, whose practice inspired many to study the medicines,

Is there such a thing, as an Officer of the Law who never solicits “Tokens of Appreciation”?

Honourable Member! Is there still, such a parliamentarian?

You there! Are you the Mwanainchi, who never swapped parts off my Yamaha Mate?

Builders of the nation! Those teachers who never disclose UNEB questions to their candidates?

Man of God, where is it written, that I have to type amen and share to claim His blessings?

The community! Where are they, those People who rejoiced at my victories?

What became of my friend? You, who helped (a lot) and told none (at all), of our secrets,

Sweet Mother! Do you still strike out at the indiscipline of my siblings?

My Sister! Those views, likes, and shares. Are they worth it?

Brother! When last, did you attempt anything, for the sheer joy of it!

Finally, to you, who is reading, before you comment, like, and or share this,

Have you talked about it, with that “stranger” on the inside?

What have you become?
