The Introvert Within!

We are most intolerant, when we insist that others tolerate us!

Least understanding, when we demand that others understand us!

We are most vulnerable, when we front our vulnerabilities!

Less diverse when others have to assimilate into our ways!

Our freedoms end, the instant we have to push them onto others!

In fighting an injustice, endeavour not to become one yourself!

Power is choosing to spare, when you have all the right to terminate!

Speak, only if you have something to say, and not because you have to say something!

In all deliberations, insist on the why! That way, you not only put others ahead of yourself, usually, everything else is already known!

Feed and grow the spirit more than the body. It is not the size of the dog that wins the fight, but the fight within the dog!

Courageous, is the bloom that opens in the cold! Not the towering Ivy that is built to withstand the storms!
