“Don’t be such a Rod!” A female voice seems to whisper into my ear,
her hands gently enveloping me into her embrace. “They say children get their stubbornness
from their fathers! It is Time for the evening stories. You promised to tell us
something interesting! Everyone seems anxious!” She murmurs, as she leads me
into the living room.
The extreme but sudden fall in the surrounding temperatures returns me to consciousness. “Damn warehouse! I am no
cabbage!”I exclaim, while rushing to adjust the room a.c. This is my reality. Somehow, the paths I have chosen have led me to this moment. This, my “Prison.” My earlier vision is but a hallucination. A remnant
of that simple life I always dreamt about leading.
The view from the balcony
would be perfect, if only the vicinity had any green in it! All I see are rooftops,
cluttered with water tanks, satellite dishes and rusty pipes. The air is filled
with sand particles. A swipe of my face, minutes later, is proof enough! With
each breath I take, my oesophagus bruises from the particles I inhale! Soon I
return to the solitude of my room. Not even the best reggae music (playing in
the background all along) will calm my nerves! My head and neck resonate
painfully to every reverberation the speaker throws out. I switch off that

“Who could possibly want to
see me at this time of the day?” I ask myself, hoping that whoever was buzzing
the doorbell would retreat to wherever he had come from.
“Good Evening sir, sorry for
disturbing your piece, at this inopportune point in time. Actually. Aaagh I am
from the Sandile restaurant, at ground floor. I come asking if you wanting
to make order for food. Room delivery… Are you hungry sir?”
If not by the most Divine of
Graces, I have no clue as to how I kindled the anger this gentleman ignited in
“No sir, I am not hungry, but
thanks for thinking about me. I really appreciate it!” I kindly replied, rushing
to close the door.
“Ok Sir, thank you for your
timing, please this is number for us. Call anytime and we deliver to your room
direct” the gentleman replied, his voice getting louder, his speech faster,
with each millimetre that the door shut.
“Sure thing Boss! I will give you a call…” I doubt he heard the last sentence. The door
had closed.
How did things get to this!
How and when, did I get here!
To be continued……….
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