Battle Of The Consciences

It’s the middle of the year-The second half of the year! And I am very disturbed.  My year to date review was not good.  I am trailing on all my goals. It is that bad. The year has been moody, peppered with low levels of self-confidence and a lot of indecisiveness.

Well, blame it on the sun; and blame I have poured out (Onto others mainly).

My friends say I have complained a lot. But that doesn’t change a thing. Truth be told, my performances have been below per. I am behind on all the projects I set out to accomplish at the start of the year. The Battle is raging on. And I am confined in a sinkhole of so many negativities. The few positives appear only as small pockets of resistance in the grand scheme of things.

I am restless. Adrenaline is way up. My eyes are deep red. Facials spell danger. My sub conscience is killing me! “Answer me!” She won’t stop screaming. My conscience can’t come up with answers. He instead, opts to answer with more questions. An eye for an eye; these two have agreed to go hobble about. The result is an ache, emanating from the centre of my brain.  My body doesn’t like it.

I turn to my heart. There I hope to find spiritual solace! “Look who is home for dinner!” she starts out. “We had given up on you!” “You honour us, with this your visit!” I have not the words. I dint know her to be so sarcastic! For long I have ignored her soft voice! Except when I was troubled! And I am troubled! “We thought so!” 

I can’t take this anymore!  My state of being is despondent. “I wouldn’t go there!” she whispers tenderly, as her colleague (my sub conscience) flashes images that appear far worse, compared to my state of being.  “You are far away from being devastated. “
Think! He shoots back. “That is your role! what did I do? What didn’t I do? Tell me, what did I do wrong? What is their relationship with my current predicament! What can I do better! Stop whining about things I already know. And give me options to think about? 

Relax you two! The spiritual interjects! Fighting won’t fix anything!  Take a minute and breathe. We need to work on this together, as a unit! We are one and can only go forward as such!

Boma Moses
